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WordPress 6.0 was released earlier this week, and it is the second major release of 2022.
Several notable updates, which you can read more about in the following sections, include:
Some of the changes, like faster website performance, will be felt immediately. Others, like the brand new page creation patterns, are features for theme developers to roll out.
The official WordPress announcement explains:
“The latest version of the software takes full site editing one step further and looks to consolidate the ‘no code’ experience for site-building, expanding upon the existing customization tools, bringing new blocks, and focusing on the writing and design workflows. An example of this is the new style switcher for block themes, one of the most anticipated features for the flexibility and creative opportunities it introduces without having to switch themes. ‘With thoughtful updates to the writing experience, building better block functionality, and adding a new intuitive style switcher, I’m really proud of the work that’s been done in this release to make a great site editing experience,’ says WordPress’ Executive Director, Josepha Haden Chomphosy.”
WordPress 6.0 is the culmination of the work of over 500 people in at least 58 countries, encompassing close to 1,000 improvements.
Ordinarily, when a product undergoes a version change, like a new Android phone model, end-users expect to see dramatic changes. That’s not really the case with WordPress version changes.
While this is a “dot 0” release, version 6.0 is best understood as part of a series of incremental improvements meant to preserve backward compatibility while also introducing improvements.
WordPress 6.0 is a version number change but it’s not on the scale of a revamp. The publishing experience between versions 5.9 and 6 is improved.
According to the official WordPress announcement, there is no need to be wary of updating, encouraging all site owners to update now in order to enjoy the many benefits of this release.
“Site owners and administrators should upgrade to take full advantage of the many stability, performance, and usability enhancements today. WordPress content creators will enjoy a suite of new features geared toward improving the writing and designing experiences.”
One of the most important changes is the Page Creation Patterns feature.
Ordinarily, when creating a web page a publisher might start with a blank layout. Page creation patterns is a way to select from multiple layouts as a starting point.
The WordPress core itself won’t ship with the layouts, this is something that theme developers need to build into their themes.
Block Locking is a feature that prevents an end-user from accidentally deleting or moving an important block. The new feature is available through a block settings drop-down menu.
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Andrew Wilder of the WordPress support company, NerdPress offered his opinion that while 6.0 ships with “tons” of improvements that end users will like, he believes that the page creation patterns feature is one that they will most appreciate.
Wilder said:
“For many of our clients, the Page Creation Patterns will be really helpful, especially once plugins are available to pre-built patterns that are specific to their content. That could be a huge time-saver! I’m also glad to see the new Block Locking feature – right now it doesn’t let you lock changes to the block content, but it can stop you from accidentally moving or deleting a block.”
WordPress 6.0 comes with an easy way to switch your entire theme style with a single click.
Click on the Style button at the top right corner and then switch to the Browse Styles tab to see available styles for your theme.
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Theme styles is a WordPress theme feature and its availability depends on your WordPress theme.
WordPress 6.0 brings the ability to edit even more templates inside the theme editor.
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The new archive templates that you can edit include:
WordPress 6.0 now allows you to save and export all the changes you made to your block theme.
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WordPress will prepare a theme zip file that includes all the changes you made using the full site editor. You can then download and install that theme on any other WordPress website.
In the new blocked-based WordPress editors, creating a web page layout is done using what’s called blocks, building blocks, so to speak.
Blocks are like containers where content can be inserted. Content can be images, text, whatever.
An example of an incremental but exciting change in WordPress 6.0 is the ability to select text across multiple content blocks.
This allows a user to select the content within multiple blocks without selecting multiple blocks themselves. This gives publishers the ability to write and control content in an expected manner, contributing to a more intuitive writing experience.
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Another exciting new feature is called Global Style Variations.
Style variations allows theme authors to provide their customers a way to easily change the look and feel of their website without having to edit CSS or HTML, dramatically speeding up the process of getting a website up and running.
This is a feature that is implemented on the WordPress theme developer side which improves the WordPress publishing experience for end users.
If you view your media library in the list view, then you can now see a ‘Copy URL to clipboard’ link below each image and media file.
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Something that may be useful to consider about WordPress 6.0 is that the Full Site Editor (FSE) is still labeled as Beta.
WordPress 6.0 improves the editing experience for the end users by making the process of writing easier as well as making it easier to dream up unique website layouts without having to deal with code. But FSE is still considered as a Beta product.
For more information and to build the website using WordPress, Hire WordPress Developer from us as we provide you high-quality services by utilizing all the latest themes, plugins, and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – or Skype us: “hkinfosoft“.
To develop a custom website, plugin, or theme using WordPress, please visit our technology page.
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PHP 8 is here! PHP 8 is a new major improved version, which means that it will introduce performance improvements and lots of new features such as the JIT compiler, union types, attributes, and more.
Let’s start with all new features, it’s quite a list!
Given the dynamically typed nature of PHP, there are lots of cases where union types can be useful. Union types are a collection of two or more types which indicate that either one of those can be used.
public function foo(Foo|Bar $input): int|float;
Note that void can never be part of a union type, since it indicates “no return value at all”. Furthermore, nullable unions can be written using |null, or by using the existing ? notation:
public function foo(Foo|null $foo): void; public function bar(?Bar $bar): void;
The JIT — just in time — compiler promises significant performance improvements, albeit not always within the context of web requests. I’ve done my own benchmarks on real-life web applications, and it seems like the JIT doesn’t make that much of a difference, if any, on those kinds of PHP projects.
If you’re familiar with the null coalescing operator you’re already familiar with its shortcomings: it doesn’t work on method calls. Instead you need intermediate checks, or rely on optional helpers provided by some frameworks:
$startDate = $booking->getStartDate(); $dateAsString = $startDate ? $startDate->asDateTimeString() : null;
With the addition of the nullsafe operator, we can now have null coalescing-like behaviour on methods!
$dateAsString = $booking->getStartDate()?->asDateTimeString();
Named arguments allow you to pass in values to a function, by specifying the value name, so that you don’t have to take their order into consideration, and you can also skip optional parameters!
function foo(string $a, string $b, ?string $c = null, ?string $d = null) { /* … */ } foo( b: 'value b', a: 'value a', d: 'value d', );
Attributes, commonly known as annotations in other languages, offers a way to add meta data to classes, without having to parse docblocks.
As for a quick look, here’s an example of what attributes look like, from the RFC:
use App\Attributes\ExampleAttribute; #[ExampleAttribute] class Foo { #[ExampleAttribute] public const FOO = 'foo'; #[ExampleAttribute] public $x; #[ExampleAttribute] public function foo(#[ExampleAttribute] $bar) { } }
#[Attribute] class ExampleAttribute { public $value; public function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } }
Note that this base Attribute used to be called PhpAttribute in the original RFC, but was changed with another RFC afterwards. If you want to take a deep dive in how attributes work, and how you can build your own; you can read about attributes in depth on this blog.
You could call it the big brother of the switch expression: match can return values, doesn’t require break statements, can combine conditions, uses strict type comparisons and doesn’t do any type coercion.
It looks like this:
$result = match($input) { 0 => "hello", '1', '2', '3' => "world", };
This RFC adds syntactic sugar to create value objects or data transfer objects. Instead of specifying class properties and a constructor for them, PHP can now combine them into one.
Instead of doing this:
class Money { public Currency $currency; public int $amount; public function __construct( Currency $currency, int $amount, ) { $this->currency = $currency; $this->amount = $amount; } }
You can now do this:
class Money { public function __construct( public Currency $currency, public int $amount, ) {} }
While it was already possible to return self, static wasn’t a valid return type until PHP 8. Given PHP’s dynamically typed nature, it’s a feature that will be useful to many developers.
class Foo { public function test(): static { return new static(); } }
Some might call it a necessary evil: the mixed type causes many to have mixed feelings. There’s a very good argument to make for it though: a missing type can mean lots of things in PHP:
Because of the reasons above, it’s a good thing the mixed type is added. mixed itself means one of these types:
Note that mixed can also be used as a parameter or property type, not just as a return type.
Also note that since mixed already includes null, it’s not allowed to make it nullable. The following will trigger an error:
// Fatal error: Mixed types cannot be nullable, null is already part of the mixed type. function bar(): ?mixed {}
This RFC changes throw from being a statement to being an expression, which makes it possible to throw exception in many new places:
$triggerError = fn () => throw new MyError(); $foo = $bar['offset'] ?? throw new OffsetDoesNotExist('offset');
Previously, PHP used to apply the same inheritance checks on public, protected and private methods. In other words: private methods should follow the same method signature rules as protected and public methods. This doesn’t make sense, since private methods won’t be accessible by child classes.
This RFC changed that behaviour, so that these inheritance checks are not performed on private methods anymore. Furthermore, the use of final private function also didn’t make sense, so doing so will now trigger a warning:
Warning: Private methods cannot be final as they are never overridden by other classes
A small, yet useful, new feature: it’s now possible to use ::class on objects, instead of having to use get_class() on them. It works the same way as get_class().
$foo = new Foo(); var_dump($foo::class);
Whenever you wanted to catch an exception before PHP 8, you had to store it in a variable, regardless whether you used that variable or not. With non-capturing catches, you can omit the variable, so instead of this:
try { // Something goes wrong } catch (MySpecialException $exception) { Log::error("Something went wrong"); }
You can now do this:
try { // Something goes wrong } catch (MySpecialException) { Log::error("Something went wrong"); }
Note that it’s required to always specify the type, you’re not allowed to have an empty catch. If you want to catch all exceptions and errors, you can use Throwable as the catching type.
Already possible when calling a function, trailing comma support was still lacking in parameter lists. It’s now allowed in PHP 8, meaning you can do the following:
public function( string $parameterA, int $parameterB, Foo $objectfoo, ) { // … }
You can already create a DateTime object from a DateTimeImmutable object using DateTime::createFromImmutable($immutableDateTime), but the other way around was tricky. By adding DateTime::createFromInterface() and DatetimeImmutable::createFromInterface() there’s now a generalised way to convert DateTime and DateTimeImmutable objects to each other.
DateTime::createFromInterface(DateTimeInterface $other); DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface(DateTimeInterface $other);
The Stringable interface can be used to type hint anything that implements __toString(). Whenever a class implements __toString(), it automatically implements the interface behind the scenes and there’s no need to manually implement it.
class Foo { public function __toString(): string { return 'foo'; } } function bar(string|Stringable $stringable) { /* … */ } bar(new Foo()); bar('abc');
Some might say it’s long overdue, but we finally don’t have to rely on strpos() anymore to know whether a string contains another string.
Instead of doing this:
if (strpos('string with lots of words', 'words') !== false) { /* … */ }
You can now do this
if (str_contains('string with lots of words', 'words')) { /* … */ }
Two other ones long overdue, these two functions are now added in the core.
str_starts_with('haystack', 'hay'); // true str_ends_with('haystack', 'stack'); // true
The new fdiv() function does something similar as the fmod() and intdiv() functions, which allows for division by 0. Instead of errors you’ll get INF, -INF or NAN, depending on the case.
get_debug_type() returns the type of a variable. Sounds like something gettype() would do? get_debug_type() returns more useful output for arrays, strings, anonymous classes and objects.
For example, calling gettype() on a class \Foo\Bar would return object. Using get_debug_type() will return the class name.
A full list of differences between get_debug_type() and gettype() can be found in the RFC.
Resources are special variables in PHP, referring to external resources. One example is a MySQL connection, another one a file handle.
Each one of those resources gets assigned an ID, though previously the only way to know that id was to cast the resource to int:
$resourceId = (int) $resource;
PHP 8 adds the get_resource_id() functions, making this operation more obvious and type-safe:
$resourceId = get_resource_id($resource);
Traits can specify abstract methods which must be implemented by the classes using them. There’s a caveat though: before PHP 8 the signature of these method implementations weren’t validated. The following was valid:
trait Test { abstract public function test(int $input): int; } class UsesTrait { use Test; public function test($input) { return $input; } }
PHP 8 will perform proper method signature validation when using a trait and implementing its abstract methods. This means you’ll need to write this instead:
class UsesTrait { use Test; public function test(int $input): int { return $input; } }
The token_get_all() function returns an array of values. This RFC adds a PhpToken class with a PhpToken::tokenize() method. This implementation works with objects instead of plain values. It consumes less memory and is easier to read.
From the RFC: “the Uniform Variable Syntax RFC resolved a number of inconsistencies in PHP’s variable syntax. This RFC intends to address a small handful of cases that were overlooked.”
Lots of people pitched in to add proper type annotations to all internal functions. This was a long standing issue, and finally solvable with all the changes made to PHP in previous versions. This means that internal functions and methods will have complete type information in reflection.
Previously it was possible to compile PHP without the JSON extension enabled, this is not possible anymore. Since JSON is so widely used, it’s best developers can always rely on it being there, instead of having to ensure the extension exist first.
For more information and to develop web application using PHP, WordPress OR Laravel, Hire PHP Developer from us as we give you a high-quality product by utilizing all the latest tools and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – or Skype us: “hkinfosoft”. To develop custom web apps using PHP, Laravel or WordPress, please visit our technology page.
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Each time a new version of WordPress rolls out, we’re all excited about getting to play with its new features. However, few versions in the past have garnered as much buzz around them as WordPress 5.0 because of these two simple words: the new block-based editor – otherwise known as Gutenberg.
Note: WordPress 5.0.1 is now available. This is a security release for all versions since WordPress 3.7.
The old WordPress editor was a simple text window. While it worked well, you had to use different approaches to add images, create galleries, shortcodes, video embeds, and other content elements.
The new editor replaces them with a streamlined writing experience where each content element is wrapped in a block. You can move them around the editor, change their settings, and create engaging layouts without writing code.
By default, it comes with several blocks to add most commonly used content elements. This includes blocks to add images, audio, video, photo gallery, cover image, lists, quote, media, text, buttons, and more.
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Blocks come with their own toolbar and settings. Apart from basic formatting options, you can also change width, colors, and other attributes.
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Widgets are also included as blocs, so you can easily add shortcodes, recent posts, recent comments, categories, and archives.
If you relied on adding shortcodes to your articles, then you can continue using them as a block.
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The new editor also makes embeds much easier. Simply expand the embeds section under the add block button, and you will be able to see all supported embed options.
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This makes adding videos, tweets, and facebook embeds a lot easier. Each embed is its own block, so you can adjust their settings just like any other blocks.
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If you feel a bit distracted by the WordPress admin sidebar, then simply switch to the distraction-free full-screen mode. This will hide the WordPress admin sidebar, and you will have a lot more room to design your content.
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You will find all your usual post editing features neatly tucked under the sidebar. This includes publishing and saving options, permalink or post-slug, categories and tags, excerpt, and more.
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WordPress 5.0 ships with a new default theme called Twenty Nineteen. It is a versatile and minimalist WordPress theme that can be used to start a blog or make a website.
Twenty Nineteen is based on Gutenberg starter theme, which means it is fully compatible with the new WordPress editor. It offers a clean canvas with minimal distractions, which gives you the freedom to experiment with the new editor and create beautiful layouts for your WordPress posts and pages.
WordPress 5.0 brings a big change to how users create content using WordPress. It has been under development for quite some time, which provided plugin and theme developers enough time to test their products and add compatibility for the new editor.
Most essential WordPress plugins like WPForms and Yoast SEO are already compatible with WordPress 5.0 and the new editor.
Alternatively, you can install the ‘Classic Editor’ plugin until your favorite plugin/theme have switched over.
For more Information and to build the website using WordPress, Hire WordPress Developer from us as we provide you high quality services by utilizing all the latest themes, plugins and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – or Skype us: “hkinfosoft“.
To develop custom website, plugin or theme using WordPress, please visit our technology page.
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