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With Vue 3 gaining traction and becoming the new default, many things are changing, and the ecosystem is still shaping. Until recently, the choice for state management was clearly Vuex. But with the new composition API architecture, reactivity mechanism, and some new players in the game, the choice now might be different.
Let’s explore different ways of managing the state depending on your application size and try to predict what the future of State Management in Vue.js will look like.
In options API, you can declare reactive data for a component using the data() option. Internally the object returned is wrapped with the reactive helper. This helper is also available as a public API.
If you have a piece of state that should be shared by multiple instances, you can use reactive() to create a reactive object and then import it from multiple components:
With this approach, data are centralized and can be reused across components. This can be a simple option with a minimal footprint for a small application.
A similar concept that composition API brought to the table is using a composable. This pattern, which is very popular in the React world, combined with the powerful reactivity mechanism of Vue can produce some elegant and reusable composables like the following.
Pic courtesy: medium.com
Vuex is not going away. It supports Vue 3 with the same API and minimal breaking changes. The only change is that installation must happen on a Vue instance instead of the Vue prototype directly.
Vuex 4 will still be maintained. However, it’s unlikely that new functionalities will be added to it. It’s a good option if you already have a project using Vuex 3 and want to defer the migration to something else for later.
Pic courtesy: medium.com
Pinia is a new store/state management system for Vue. This is a great tool for when wanting to share data between components in your application. One of the reasons for using a tool like Pinia (or Vuex for that matter) is that throwing events around and listening for these events in your application can easily become quite messy and unstructured. State management systems like Pinia (Vuex, Redux, etc.) can help solve this.
Pinia is now also the recommended choice by Vue and is now an official part of the whole Vue ecosystem, maintained and developed by core members of the Vue team. Last but not least, Pinia is super lightweight, only 1kb in size which is freaking awesome.
Pinia supports an alternative syntax to define stores. It uses a function that defines reactive properties and methods and returns them very similar to the Vue Composition API’s setup function.
In Setup Stores:
Setup stores bring a lot more flexibility than Options Stores as you can create watchers within a store and freely use any composable.
The state is a function that holds all the reactive data of this store and the getters are functions with access to the store as the first parameter. Both state and getters are identical to Vuex.
This statement doesn’t apply to actions. The context parameter has gone, and actions have access to the state and getters directly through their context(this). As you might have noticed, actions directly manipulate the state, which was strictly forbidden in Vuex.
Lastly, mutations are completely removed since state manipulation is now happening in actions.
All the magic is happening inside the setup function. The imported useFellowship hook is executed and returned. This will make it available to the component, including both methods and the template. Access to the state getters and actions are done directly using this object.
Of course, this component should be broken into smaller reusable ones but left like this for demo purposes.
If a different component needs to access the same state, it can be done in a similar manner.
Pinia docs are optimistic that code can be reused between the libraries, but the truth is that the architecture is very different, and refactoring will definitely be required. First of all, while in Vuex, we had one store with multiple modules, Pinia is built around the concept of multiple stores. The easiest way to transition that concept to be used with Pinia is that each module you used previously is now a store.
Actions no longer accept context as their first parameters. They should be updated to access state or any other context property directly. The same applies for rootState, rootGetters etc. since the concept of a single global store doesn’t exist. If you want to use another store you need to explicitly import it.
It’s evident that for large projects, migration will be complicated and time-consuming, but hopefully, a lot of boilerplate code will be eliminated, and the store will follow a more clean and modular architecture. The conversion can be done module by module rather than converting everything at once. You can actually mix Pinia and Vuex together during the migration so that this approach can work.
For more information and to develop a website using Vue.js, Hire Vue.js Developer from us as we give you a high-quality product by utilizing all the latest tools and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – hello@hkinfosoft.com or Skype us: “hkinfosoft”.
To develop a Website using Vue.js, please visit our technology page.
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Vue 3 – The Progressive Javascript Framework’s progress over the years is nothing short of impressive.
If you’re someone migrating your apps to Vue 3 (or) experimenting Vue 3 for your next project this draft should help you kickstart with confidence.
If we look at the journey of Vue so far, it greatly traversed being a library to a framework trend making it much more powerful yet sticking to its lightweight nature.
With the core releasing a new major version, all the other parts of the framework needed to move forward together. Having said that, there were quite a lot of new members we would have in our party during migration. Let’s get introduced!
In short, Vue 3 would be the new default.
Vue 2 would remain in LTS (long-term support) version for 18 months, which means that it will still get security updates and is absolutely safe to stick with it for a while. But, isn’t it a great time for us to migrate our existing projects if any?
Vue 3 is faster, smaller, more maintainable and it’s easier to target native - Evan Vue
Smaller Vue core – Size improvement reached by the combination of greater code modularity, a smaller core runtime, and a tree-shaking-friendly compiler. Thus the new core would thus be reduced from about 20KB to 10KB gzipped.
The compiler will generate tree-shaking-friendly code. If you use a feature that requires a function in your template, the compiler will automatically generate code that imports it. But if you don’t use a feature, then we generate code that does not import it, which means the feature will be tree-shaken.
Better rendering performance – The Vue 3 renderer improves the performance of the rendering process by using optimizations such as the hoisting and inlining of static parts and implementing Vue 3’s reactivity with ES6 proxies.
Below is an infographic proofing the metrics between v-2.5 and v.3.0 proto
Pic courtesy: medium.com
Well, despite being one of our favorite topics to speak We’ll try to wrap it short.
Vite is a lightweight and fast build toolchain with first-class Vue SFC support. It is created by Evan You, the author of Vue himself!
Vue 3 official build setup is now powered by Vite. So this would be one of our newest members to welcome!
This topic deserves a separate article on its own, yet will try to pin those dancing in my mind post my experimentations.
Vue 3 introduced the Composition API as an alternative method to the Options API for writing component states and logic. It’s simply a set of APIs that allows us to author Vue components using imported functions instead of declaring options.
It is an umbrella term that covers the following APIs:
Reactivity API, e.g. ref() and reactive(), allows us to directly create reactive state, computed state, and watchers.
Lifecycle Hooks, e.g. onMounted() and onUnmounted(), allows us to programmatically hook into the component lifecycle.
Dependency Injection, i.e. provide() and inject(), allows us to leverage Vue’s dependency injection system while using Reactivity APIs.
Vue clearly pointed out that they don’t have any plans to deprecate options API. Here’s the exact statement from the document FAQ
No, we do not have any plan to do so. Options API is an integral part of Vue and the reason many developers love it. We also realize that many of the benefits of Composition API only manifest in larger-scale projects, and Options API remains a solid choice for many low-to-medium-complexity scenarios.
We can create standalone reactive states and/or properties
In Vue 2 we’re kind of bound to the component scope for the reactive state. With Vue 3 you don’t need a component anymore to create a reactive state.
We can abstract reactive state
Sometimes setup in Vue components can get really bloated with creating many reactive properties. That’s why it could be nice to have them abstracted in standalone javascript files. This is preferably termed composable.
Better Logic Reuse
The primary advantage of Composition API is that it enables clean, efficient logic reuse in the form of Composable functions. It solves all the drawbacks of mixins, the primary logic reuse mechanism for Options API
Better Type Inference
Code written in Composition API can enjoy full type inference with little need for manual type hints.
Smaller Production Bundle and Less Overhead
Code written in Composition API and <script setup> is more efficient and minification-friendly than Options API equivalent. This is because the template in a <script setup> component is compiled as a function inlined in the same scope of the <script setup> code. Unlike property access from this, the compiled template code can directly access variables declared inside <script setup>, without an instance proxy in between. This also leads to better minification because all the variable names can be safely shortened.
Better code sharing
Inside the setup hook, we can group parts of our code by logical concern.
More Flexible Code Organization
The Options API uses options like data, methods, and mounted. With the Composition API, we have a single setup hook in which we write our reactive code.
This results in better code organization. Let’s see how with a simple code example. We’ll see how we write in Vue2, rewrite in composition API then further fine-tune with the new script setup syntax.
Pic courtesy: medium.com
Pic courtesy: medium.com
Pic courtesy: medium.com
Having said Vue doesn’t have plans to deprecate options API anytime soon. Why should we care about composition API?
Vue 2 supports a few ways to reuse code between components;
These methods of reuse each come with their own drawbacks, namely:
Scattered logics – In Vue2, component options such as data, computed, methods, watch are used to organize the logic. This approach makes it hard to read and understand as the component grows.
<script setup> is a compile-time syntactic sugar for using Composition API inside Single File Components (SFCs). It is the recommended syntax if we are using both SFCs and Composition API. It provides a number of advantages over the normal <script> syntax:
More succinct code with less boilerplate
Ability to declare props and emitted events using pure TypeScript
Better runtime performance (the template is compiled into a render function in the same scope, without an intermediate proxy)
Better IDE type-inference performance (less work for the language server to extract types from code)
Unlike normal <script>, which only executes once when the component is first imported, code inside <script setup> will execute every time an instance of the component is created. <script setup> can be used alongside normal <script>
Pinia, a lightweight state management library for Vue.js, allows us to share a state across components/pages & gained a lot of traction recently. It uses the new reactivity system in Vue 3 to build an intuitive and fully typed state management library. It’s now the new default state management library for Vue 3. It is maintained by the Vue core team and works with both Vue 2 and Vue 3.
For more information and to develop a website using Vue.js, Hire Vue.js Developer from us as we give you a high-quality product by utilizing all the latest tools and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – hello@hkinfosoft.com or Skype us: “hkinfosoft”.
To develop a Website using Vue.js, please visit our technology page.
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L8J 0J3
606, Suvas Scala,
S P Ring Road, Nikol,
Ahmedabad 380049
1131 Baycrest Drive,
Wesley Chapel,
FL 33544
57 Sherway St,
Stoney Creek, ON
L8J 0J3
606, Suvas Scala,
S P Ring Road, Nikol,
Ahmedabad 380049
1131 Baycrest Drive,
Wesley Chapel,
FL 33544
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