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In our previous blog post, we learned about “Object Destructuring”. Next, in this post let’s take a tour of “Array Destructuring”.
Array destructuring works the same as object destructuring but instead of using name to identify the property as in object destructuring, we identify it by position in array starting with position zero.
const months = ["January", "February"]; console.log(months[0]); // January console.log(months[1]); // February
const months = ["January", "February"]; const [firstMonth, secondMonth] = months; console.log(firstMonth); // January console.log(secondMonth); // February
As you can see, the value from the array months with index 0 get assigned to firstMonth variable and index 1 value will be assigned to secondMonth variable.
If we want only the first value we can also do that as
const months = ["January", "February"]; const [firstMonth] = months; console.log(firstMonth); // January
But what if we want only second month and don’t want to create variable firstMonth if we are not using it. we can skip it as shown below.
const months = ["January", "February"]; const [,secondMonth] = months; console.log(secondMonth); // February
Note, there is comma before the secondMonth variable which will allows us to skip the creation of variable. So if we want to get the 3rd element of the array we can add one more extra comma.
const months = ["January", "February", "March"]; const [,,thirdMonth] = months; console.log(thirdMonth); // March
We can also assign the default value if the value does not exists.
const months = []; const [ firstMonth = "January" ] = months; console.log(firstMonth); // January
Suppose you want to swap 2 numbers.
let x = 10, y = 20; let temp; // Swap the x and y temp = x; x = y; y = temp; console.log(x, y); // 20 10
const [y, x] = [10, 20]; console.log(x, y); // 20 10
We can also use the rest operator which is three dots combined with array destructuring.
const months = ["January", "February", "March"]; const [firstMonth, ...restMonths] = months; console.log(firstMonth); // January console.log(restMonths); // ["February", "March"]
We can extend this further also.
const months = ["January", "February", "March", "April"]; const [firstMonth, secondMonth, ...restMonths] = months; console.log(firstMonth); // January console.log(secondMonth); // February console.log(restMonths); // ["March", "April"]
Now we will look into some complex examples of destructuring.
Example 1:
const users = [ { name: 'David', age: 20 }, { name: 'Billy', age: 40 }, ];
Now, suppose we want to get the first user object.
const [firstUser] = users; console.log(firstUser); // {name: "David", age: 20}
What if we want to get the name from the first user object?
const [{ name }] = users; console.log(name); // David
First to get the 1st object of the array, we used the following.
const [firstUser] = users;
Now from that object we want name property, so we use object destructuring syntax where the variable name has to match the property name of the object so we destructured it as
const [{ name }] = users;
Example 2:
Now consider we have visitedCountries object.
const visitedCountries = { countries: ["USA", "JAPAN"] };
How can we get the first country from the list of countries?
const { countries: [ firstCountry ] } = visitedCountries; console.log(firstCountry); // USA
and how to get the second country?
const { countries: [ , secondCountry ] } = visitedCountries; console.log(secondCountry); // JAPAN
Example 3:
Consider, we have a user’s array. Each array represents the name, country, age.
const users = [ ["David", "USA", 30], ["Billy", "Japan", 35], ["Mike", "Singapore", 50] ];
How can we convert it to an array of objects as shown below?
const convertedUsers = [ { "name": "David", "country": "USA", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Billy", "country": "Japan", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Mike", "country": "Singapore", "age": 50 } ]
We can use the map method and array destructuring here.
const convertedUsers = users.map(function([name, country, age]) { return { name: name, country: country, age: age }; }); console.log(convertedUsers); /* output [ { "name": "David", "country": "USA", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Billy", "country": "Japan", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Mike", "country": "Singapore", "age": 50 } ] */
As you can see from the above code.
return { name: name, country: country, age: age };
the key and value are same, so we can further simply it using ES6 Object Shorthand syntax as
const convertedUsers = users.map(function([name, country, age]) { return { name, country, age }; });
This is still taking three lines of code so we can further simplify it using arrow function as
users.map(([name, country, age]) => ({ name, country, age }));
Here we are implicitly returning the object { name, country, age } by adding it inside the round brackets ().
The output is same as above but its easy to understand and will save from typing some extra characters.
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In this blog, we will see a very popular concept in ES6 known as destructuring. It’s one of the most widely used feature in ES6. In this article, we will see how we can apply it in our code and take advantage of this new syntax to write code that is easy to understand and to make the code shorter.
So Let’s get started.
Consider, we have following object.
const post = { image: 'http://unknown-site.com/image.jpg', likes: 200, comments: 400, date: '2019–12–20' };
If we want to get all the values from the object, Using ES5 Code we can write it as
const image = post.image; const likes = post.likes; const comments = post.comments; const date = post.date;
This is too much code and there is the repetition of each property in each line.
So we can write the same code using ES6 Object destructuring in a single line.
const { image, likes, comments, date } = post;
The code above creates local variables with the same name as the properties of the post object.
So it means, For ex. creating a local variable with the name image and take the value from post.image.
One thing to note is that the name used inside curly brackets has to match with the property name
So we cannot do something like this
const { new_image } = post;
This will result in an error because there is no new_image property to destructure in the post object.
It’s not necessary, to destructure all the properties from post object. We can only take the properties which we need
const { image } = post; // The above line is same as const image = post.image
We can also assign default values to the destructured properties.
Suppose, if we don’t have an image for the post as
const post = { likes: 200, comments: 400, date: '2019–12–20' };
We can use default parameter syntax to set default image using assignment operator as
const post = { likes: 200, comments: 400, date: '2019–12–20' }; const { image = 'http://unknown-site.com/defaultimage.jpg', likes, comments, date } = post; console.log(image); // http://unknown-site.com/defaultimage.jpg console.log(likes); // 200 console.log(comments); // 400 console.log(date); // 2019–12–20
Obviously, if we have the image property in the post object, that will be used instead of the default value like
const post = { image: 'http://unknown-site.com/image.jpg', likes: 200, comments: 400, date: '2019–12–20' }; const { image = ‘http://unknown-site.com/defaultimage.jpg', likes, comments, date } = post; console.log(image); // http://unknown-site.com/image.jpg console.log(likes); // 200 console.log(comments); // 400 console.log(date); // 2019–12–20
There are situations when we already have another variable with the same name in the current scope as the destructured property so it will create conflict and will result in an error. To fix this, we can use the renaming syntax of object destructuring as below
const { date: post_date } = post; console.log(post_date); // 2019–12–20
Here we are taking the date property and instead of creating local date variable we are renaming it to post_date so if you try to print the date variable value, you will get an error because it does not exist as we have renamed it to post_date now.
const { date: post_date } = post; console.log(post_date); // 2019-12-20 console.log(date); // error: date is not defined
We can also combine the default value and renaming syntax together like
const post = { likes: 200, comments: 400 }; const { date: post_date = '2019-12-10'} = post; console.log(post_date); // 2019-12-10
In the above code, in the highlighted code we are saying, take the date property from post object and rename it to post_date. If the date property does not exist then assign a default value of 2019–12–10 to post_date variable.
Suppose, we have a registerUser function which accepts a user object as a parameter.
function registerUser(user) { // David 20 New York david@11gmail.com console.log(user.name, user.age, user.location, user.email); } const user = { age: 20, name: 'David', location: 'New York', email: 'david@11gmail.com' }; registerUser(user);
We can use destructuring syntax here to simplify the code.
function registerUser({ name, age, location, email}) { // David 20 New York david@11gmail.com console.log(name, age, location, email); } const user = { age: 20, name: 'David', location: 'New York', email: 'david@11gmail.com' }; registerUser(user);
As you can see the function is simplified a lot. We no longer need to refer to the user object every time to get the value again in the function. Also the order in which its destructured does not matter and so is the case with which property to destructure.
function registerUser({ location, age }) { console.log(location, age); // New York 20 } const user = { age: 20, name: 'David', location: 'New York', email: 'david@11gmail.com' }; registerUser(user);
In the above code, we are accessing location before age in the function declaration which is fine because while destructuring the property name is used to destructure and not the position of the property.
Now consider, while registering, the name is optional field so we can set it to default value.
function registerUser({ name = 'Unknown', age, location }) { console.log(name, age, location); // Unknown 20 New York } const user = { age: 20, location: 'New York', email: 'david@11gmail.com' }; registerUser(user);
Now consider, user has already registered with email and we are updating his profile so everything is optional now so we can simplify it as
function updateUser({ name = 'Unknown', age = 0, location = 'Unknown' }) { console.log(name, age, location); // Unknown 0 Unknown } updateUser({});
For better readability, we have added each object property on separate line which is a valid syntax and you can also do it, if there are multiple properties on single line just for readability purpose.
But this does not look good, because we need to pass empty object to the updateUser function every time.
We can fix this by setting the default object if we don’t pass it.
function updateUser({ name = 'Unknown', age = 0, location = 'Unknown' } = {} ) { console.log(name, age, location); // Unknown 0 Unknown } updateUser();
Wow, that’s so cool. Now we can pass only values which are provided by user and others will be set to default values as shown below
function updateUser({ name = 'Unknown', age = 0, location = 'Unknown' } = {} ) { console.log(name, age, location); } updateUser({ name: 'David' }); // David 0 Unknown updateUser({ age: 20 }); // Unknown 20 Unknown updateUser(); // Unknown 0 Unknown
Now, you can understand the power of destructuring.
In our next blog, we will cover another ES6 destructuring feature called “Array Destructuring”.
For more Information and to build a website using React JS, Hire React Developer from us as we give you a high-quality product by utilizing all the latest tools and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – hello@hkinfosoft.com or Skype us: “hkinfosoft“. To develop your custom website using React JS, please visit our technology page.
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FL 33544
57 Sherway St,
Stoney Creek, ON
L8J 0J3
606, Suvas Scala,
S P Ring Road, Nikol,
Ahmedabad 380049
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