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The new release of Google’s popular TypeScript-based web framework is available now.
This post will bring you closer to the most important new features and breaking changes in Angular 13 and help you decide whether an update for your project is worthwhile.
Angular has introduced its next-generation compilation and rendering pipeline Ivy since its version 8. Angular 9 has used Ivy by default while maintaining support for the predecessor compiler and runtime View Engine.
The new version of the framework is now 100 percent Ivy.
To streamline and modernize the Angular Package Format (APF), View Engine specific metadata and older output formats are now removed, which will reduce maintenance costs and the complexity of the codebase in Angular 13. All internal tools are converted to Ivy beforehand so that the change should work smoothly.
Ivy compiles individual components more independently of one another, which improves development times. The use of ngcc (Angular compatibility compiler) is no more required for libraries built with the latest version of the APF. This will offer a faster execution for libraries developers.
The load time is reduced in Angular 13 with the help of ergonomic code-splitting APIs and granular code breakdown at a component level.
A performance improvement was also achieved with the introduction of ESBuild, an extremely fast JavaScript bundler. ESBuild works now with terser to optimize global scripts and supports CSS sourcemaps, which enables optimized global CSS.
The time to do a production bundle of 10 copies of the three.js library from scratch using default settings, including minification and source maps.
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To benefit from native web APIs and modern browser features such as web animations and CSS variables, the Angular team has removed the Internet Explorer 11 support.
This offers a smaller bundle size and faster load for apps and an improved user experience because of the absence of IE-specific polyfills and the no need for differential loading.
This breaking change will certainly affect authorities or institutions that still use IE 11 and have not yet switched to Microsoft Edge or other modern browsers.
You can now create dynamic components with less boilerplate code thanks to an improvement of ViewContainerRef.createComponent API.
Here is the old way of creating a dynamic component:
export class InquiryDialog implements OnInit { componentRef: ComponentRef; @ViewChild('inquiryPage', {static: true, read: ViewContainerRef}) container: ViewContainerRef; constructor(@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: InquiryDialogData, private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {} ngOnInit(): void { const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(; this.componentRef = this.container.createComponent(componentFactory); } }
And with Angular 13, there is no need to use ComponentFactoryResolver:
export class InquiryDialog implements OnInit { componentRef: ComponentRef; @ViewChild('inquiryPage', {static: true, read: ViewContainerRef}) container: ViewContainerRef; constructor(@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: InquiryDialogData) {} ngOnInit(): void { this.componentRef = this.container.createComponent(; } }
Angular 13 way of creating a dynamic component
TestBed is the primary unit tests API for Angular applications and libraries.
In order to decrease the test time in TestBed, the new version is released with an improved test API. The framework can now set up and tear down the test environment and learn the DOM automatically after each test run. This leads to faster, less memory-intensive, and better-isolated tests.
Angular 13 has introduced a new type for forms, which is FormControlStatus. It’s a union of all possible status strings for form controls:
There is an Accessibility (A11y) improvement in Angular Material: all Material Design Components (MDC) have been checked for better Accessibility.
Checkboxes and radio buttons, for example, have now larger touch sizes, and other components have better high contrast modes.
A comparison of touch target sizes. The sizes on the right are the new sizes.
A comparison of touch target sizes. The sizes on the right are the new sizes.
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For more information and to develop web applications using Angular, Hire Angular Developer from us as we give you a high-quality product by utilizing all the latest tools and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – or Skype us: “hkinfosoft”.
To develop your custom web app using Angular, please visit our technology page.
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Angular provides unmatchable features that make it the most preferred framework in the Web Development industry today. The Angular version 12.0.0 release has come up again with the most compelling features and customization options to take your development journey to a new horizon. The new release of the Angular 12.0.0 version brings updates on the framework, the CLI, and components.
Let’s have a look at the unique and unparalleled features in Angular 12.0.0:
The Angular team has focused on enforcing secure and strict methods of checking for reactive forms. The new update will help developers to look out for issues in the development stage. This upgrade will also enable better text editor and ide support allowing the developer better developer ergonomics with strict typing for Angular/forms. The previous versions were not as aggressive in addressing this issue, but Angular 12 does it perfectly.
When the transition to Ivy of all internal tooling gets done, removing the legacy View engine becomes the next challenge. No worries! The newly added removing legacy View Engine aims to reduce framework overheads. This is because of smaller Angular conceptual overhead, smaller package size, saving on maintenance cost, and decrease in the complexity of the codebase. With the knowledge of Ivy, it’s the best path to take while using the latest version of Angular. An application that has upgraded to the latest version of Angular (Angular 12.0) and is keeping enable Ivy as false, should consider this since in the future they cannot upgrade to the latest version if they don’t start using Ivy.
Design and implement a plan to make Zone.js optional. This will, in turn, simplify the framework, improve debugging, and minimize application bundle size.Zone.js does not support native async/await syntax and when Zone.js is optional and a developer can choose not to use it then Angular will be able to support native async/ await syntax.
Testbed automatic clean-up and tear down of the test environment after each test run, will improve test time and create better isolation across tests.
This will simplify the Angular mental model and learning. This will allow the developers to develop standalone components and implement other types of APIs for the declaration of the component compilation scope. On the other hand, we have to note that this change might make it hard for existing applications to migrate to this.
This feature will allow developers to have more control over the compilation scope for a particular component without giving much thought to the NgModule they belong to.
Adding directives to host elements has been on high request by Angular developers for a long time. The new release allows developers to architecture their components with additional characteristics without using inheritance. At the moment you cannot add directives to host elements, but you can improvise using: host CSS selector. As the selector of these components also becomes a DOM element, we could have more possibilities if we could add more directives to this element too.
The Angular compiler being distributed as a TypeScript plugin will significantly improve the developer’s build performance and reduce the cost.
The slow initial load time is the major problem with web applications. Applying more granular code-splitting on a component level can solve this problem. This will mean smaller builds and faster launch time and in return result in improved FCP.
That’s all for the new release.
Now, let us take a look at the possibilities that are in progress and will be available shortly.
Firstly, this will result in faster applications. Loading external stylesheets is a blocking operation. This means that the browser cannot initiate rendering an application without first loading all the referenced CSS. Its FCP (First Contentful Paint) can be improved by having a render-blocking in the header of a page that can visibly improve the load performance.
To date, the Angular language service still uses the View Engine compiler and type checking even for Ivy applications. The goal is to improve the experience and to remove the legacy dependency. This will be achieved by transitioning from View Engine to Ivy. The team at Angular wants to start using the Ivy template parser and improved type checking for the Angular language service to match Angular application behaviour. This will simplify Angular, npm size reduction, and improve the framework’s maintainability.
The error messages bring limited information on how a developer can take actions to resolve them. The Angular team is working on codes, developing guides, and other measures to ensure an easy debugging experience and make error messages more discoverable.
In conjunction with the Google security team, the Angular team is working on adding support for the new Trusted Type API. This API will aid developers to make more secure web applications.
With Angular, the CLI Webpack 5 stability will continue urging for the implementation to enable build speed and bundle size improvements.
Integrating MDC weblink will align Angular Material closely with the material design specification, expand the accessibility reach, improve component quality and improve the overall team velocity.
The team at Angular could focus its attention on working on tooling that will help in the provision of utilities for debugging and performance profiling. The primary aim is to help the developers understand the component structure and the means to note changes in the angular application.
MDC web is a library created by the Google Material Design team that provides reusable primitives for building material design components.
For more information and to develop web applications using Angular, Hire Angular Developer from us as we give you a high-quality product by utilizing all the latest tools and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – or Skype us: “hkinfosoft”.
To develop your custom web app using Angular, please visit our technology page.
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The 9.0.0 release of Angular is here! This is a major release that spans the entire platform, including the framework, Angular Material, and the CLI.
Version 9 moves all applications to use the Ivy compiler and runtime by default. In addition to hundreds of bug fixes, the Ivy compiler and runtime offers numerous advantages:
Here’s a breakdown of some of the more notable improvements.
The Ivy compiler has been designed to remove parts of Angular that aren’t being used via tree-shaking and to generate less code for each Angular component.
With these improvements, small apps and large apps can see the most dramatic size savings.
Small apps could see around a 30% decrease in bundle size, large apps will see a 25–40% decrease, and medium apps decrease minimally. – pic courtesy:
We have also revamped the implementation of TestBed in Ivy to make it more efficient.
Previously, TestBed would recompile all components between the running of each test, regardless of whether there were any changes made to components (for example, through overrides).
In Ivy, TestBed doesn’t recompile components between tests unless a component has been manually overridden, which allows it to avoid recompilation between the grand majority of tests.
With this change, the framework’s core acceptance tests are about 40% faster. We would expect users to see their own application test speeds to be around 40–50% faster.
Ivy provides you with more tools to debug your applications. When running an application in Dev Mode with the Ivy runtime, we now offer the new ng object for debugging.
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Ivy also improves the stack trace for debugging issues such as the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError. Previously the stack trace could be unhelpful:
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With Ivy, you see a more useful stack trace that allows you to jump directly to the template instruction with the expression that has changed.
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For example, if you click on AppComponent_Template in the stack trace above, you can see the specific line in the generated code where the error is being thrown:
If you’re so inclined, you can also step into any of these framework instructions to walk through how the framework creates or updates your components.
The Ivy compiler and runtime provides improvements for handling styles. Previously, if an application contained competing definitions for a style, those styles would destructively replace each other. With Ivy, the styles are merged in a predictable way.
Consider the following template and component snippets:
<my-component style="color:red;" [style.color]="myColor" [style]="{color: myOtherColor}" myDirective></div>
@Component({ host: { style: "color:blue" },... }) ... @Directive({ host: { style: "color:black", "[style.color]": "property" },... }) ...
Previously, whichever binding was evaluated last would win, and this could depend on the timing of changes to these expressions. If myColor and myOtherColor both were undefined, the static ‘red’ style would be ignored.
With version 9, you can manage your styles through a clear, consistent order of precedence that isn’t dependent on timing. The most specific styles always have the highest precedence. For example, a binding to [style.color] overrides a conflicting binding to [style].
However, for backwards compatibility reasons, we have left [ngStyle] and [ngClass] bindings behavior the same as before. When their binding values are updated, the new values will override any competing bindings.
You can read more about styling precedence rules in the Template Syntax guide in the documentation.
As a side effect of the styling refactoring, you can now also bind to CSS custom properties (also known as CSS variables).
<div [style.--main-border-color]=" '#CCC' "> <p style="border: 1px solid var(--main-border-color)">hi</p> </div>
Thanks to Ivy’s new architecture, we’ve made significant improvements to the compiler’s performance.
We measure our compiler’s performance in terms of the overhead on top of a plain TypeScript compilation of an application. For our documentation app (, this overhead decreased from 0.8x to 0.5x with Ivy, an improvement of nearly 40%.
These improvements mean that AOT builds can be noticeably faster. Thanks to this speedup, for the first time ever we’re using AOT even for dev-mode builds. This means that `ng serve` now benefits from the same compile-time checking as production builds, significantly improving the developer experience for Angular.
Thanks to the changes in the compiler and runtime, we also no longer require entryComponents. These components will be discovered and compiled automatically by their usage.
For more information and to develop your web apps using Angular, Hire Angular Developer from us as we provide you high-quality solution by utilizing all the latest tools and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – or Skype us: “hkinfosoft“.
To develop the custom web app using Angular, please visit our technology page.
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March and April have come and gone without a final Angular 8 release, so we’re now past the Angular team’s original target ship date. Many Angular developers were expecting a final release during ng-conf. There was also plenty of exciting Angular news revealed during the conference, including an extended roadmap of what to expect in Angular 9. The ng-conf team has already posted all of the conference sessions on YouTube.
We’ve already seen several Angular 8 beta releases, and we can expect to see several more before the framework’s final release.
With a new release on the way, it’s important to understand what changes are in store so you’ll be able to determine how to approach Angular 8. Since Angular 7 is going to be supported until April of 2020, you may decide that it’s not worth upgrading if Angular 7 already meets all of your needs.
The Angular team has announced that they’re going to be including Ivy in Angular 8 as an opt-in preview. Many Angular developers were hoping for a final release of Ivy, but that’s not what we’re getting in this release. A preview is a lot better than no view. Trying out the preview will let you see how well your current Angular applications work – or don’t work – with Ivy.
If you’re not familiar with Ivy, is it something you should care about? If the user experience of your apps is important to you, then Ivy is definitely something you should care about. Although the framework has made huge improvements in file size and runtime speed since the days of Angular 2, Angular apps often tend to be on the heavy side when it comes to file size and memory use.
Ivy aims to change this. Compared with the current Angular View Engine, Ivy provides the following benefits:
On top of all this, Angular Ivy aims to be broadly compatible with existing Angular applications, so ideally, you’ll be able to get all of Ivy’s benefits without having to change your apps at all. There will be some bugs and hiccups, though. That’s why it’ll be helpful to try building your current Angular apps using Angular 8 and Ivy.
So, if your Angular app supports multiple languages and/or uses server-side rendering, don’t expect it to be ready to work with Ivy just yet. One other trouble spot some users have encountered has been Angular Material. Apps using Angular Material don’t seem to play well with Ivy, as of the latest Angular 8 beta. Keep this in mind when experimenting with Angular 8 (although eventually Angular Material will undoubtedly be updated to work well with Ivy).
Outside of Ivy, there are a few other changes to look forward to in Angular 8. One of the most important changes is what the Angular team describes as ‘Differential Loading of Modern JavaScript.’ To put it simply, this means that new apps generated by Angular CLI will now contain separate bundles for legacy JavaScript (ES5) and modern JavaScript (ES2015+). This is great news because it means that modern browsers with ES2015 support will be able to download smaller, more efficient app bundles that load and render faster than before.
The Angular team is also adding a backward compatibility mode to the Angular router which will make it easier to upgrade legacy Angular apps to modern Angular. In an ideal world, we would have all been able to upgrade our Angular 1.x apps to Angular 2+ right away.
In the real world though, this doesn’t always happen. To this day, there are a large number of massive legacy Angular apps happily chugging away, serving businesses and making users happy. They haven’t been upgraded for a simple reason: they’re working well, and there wouldn’t be much ROI in doing a complete rewrite.
A small, but welcome new feature in Angular 8 will be improved support for bundling web workers with the Angular CLI. This is great news for front-end developers because prior to web workers, our applications were limited to using a single thread.
There’s one catch with web workers: the code that runs in the worker can’t be in the same JavaScript file as the rest of your application. It must be separate. This tends to work poorly with tools like the Angular CLI that want to automatically bundle up your JavaScript into as few files as possible. The improvements to Angular CLI’s web worker bundling in Angular 8 will get rid of this awkwardness and set you on the path to fully parallelized web worker happiness.
The Angular CLI will be gaining another new feature: opt-in usage sharing. This will give you the opportunity to opt-in to sharing telemetry about your Angular CLI usage with the Angular team. I’ve got to applaud the Angular team for approaching this the right way.
Finally, Angular 8 is going to include updates to the latest and greatest versions of Angular’s dependencies, which include tools like RxJS and TypeScript. Although this might seem like a tiny improvement, it’s also a welcome one. Keeping up with TypeScript, in particular, is great because the TypeScript team always seems to pack useful new features into every release.
As we’ve seen, the additions to Angular 8 aren’t huge outside of Ivy. Although they’re absolutely nice to have, they certainly aren’t critical for most applications. More importantly, upgrading to Angular 8 will enable you to ensure your apps are ready for Ivy. Although Ivy is only an opt-in preview in Angular 8, the time to start checking for Ivy compatibility is now.
For more Information and to build the website using Angular, Hire Angular Developer from us as we give you high-quality product by utilizing all the latest tools and advanced technology. E-mail us any clock at – or Skype us: “hkinfosoft“.
To develop the custom web app using Angular, please visit our technology page.
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